Escape room "Eskeipiņš"

MJIC Kvartals

Media materials:


MJIC Kvartals



About organisation:

The main objectives of the Youth Centre are to provide diverse opportunities for young people's full growthand development, to promote the initiatives of young people in the municipality and their participation insocial activities; to promote the well-being of young people and offer active and creative leisure opportunitiesand to promote and support the initiatives of young people in Līvāni municipality and their participation insocial life. The target audience of the youth field is young people aged 13 to 25.

Contact person:

Marija Driksna

Title of the project

Escape room "Eskeipiņš"

Start date:

November 2, 2023

End date:

December 31, 2023

Source of funding:

Eurodesk grant and a young woman who volunteered to conceptualise and physically set up the escape room and game.


The escape game provided young people the opportunities for volunteering, learning, travelling and other leisure activities available to them in Livani, Latgale, Latvia and even at European level. The different tasks during the game was directly linked to current and future Eurodesk activities, where young people hase to find this information themselves in the materials available on site. The aim of the event was to create a "Time to move" activity that young people with disabilities can also participate in, as the space will be furnished and accessible to everyone without barriers.Inclusion and diversity - everyone was able to participate - from different cities, regions and schools in Latvia, regardless of their financial situation, physical fitness, language barrier (materials for the game were providedin different languages). Participation in democratic life - the game included a Democracy game as part of the game's challenges, which were encourage young people to think and discuss the foundations of democracy and where they encounter democracy in their daily lives.

Why does it correspond to the thematic category:

Creative Youth Information - The escape room is one of the most interesting ways to provide information to young people, as they cannot finish the game and leave the room without reading all of the information provided about Eurodes, Erasmus+ and other youth opportunities in Europe. The game also presented information to young people in a creative way - through games and puzzles. For example, young people learnt facts about youth opportunities in Europe through crosswords, puzzles, timing exercises, etc. link to the event publicity post on FB, webpage and youtube -

The impact the initiative had on young people and the local community:

Who benefits from this event (target audience, sector, etc.) - young people aged 13-30 who can play the game, including teachers who attended the launch event. Parents, because young people also share further the information they get (there was one parent of a child who came to the youth centre to find out specifically about his child's possibilities to get involved in international projects).What is the impact of the event on the local community - the local community can see more with real examples that Latgale is part of Europe and that the people of Latgale have the same opportunities as those living in Riga and also those living in other European countries. As the Escape is free of charge, the community also gains an educational leisure activity with added value during the dark months of the year, encouraging young people to be more active instead of sitting at home or on their phones.

How it ensured the visibility and promotion of Eurodesk:

When Eurodesk events took place, information (posters and video invitations to the events) was posted on the Youth Centre's social networks. As the breakout game was created by a young woman who is now studying at university, she shared the information among her friends. Each participant was also given the opportunity to take home handouts about Eurodesk opportunities after the game. As well as on a daily basis, the Youth Centre publishes information about Eurodesk opportunities - a big banner, handouts, stickers on the entrance doors, at least 2-3 Eurodesk events per year in the Youth Centre.

How it respected the green principles:

This activity was based on green principles - reusing different resources. No new furniture was bought to create the space - everything already used was used.The theme of green thinking was also brought up for the young people in the game elements. Handouts were also used, rather than new ones.

The escape game provided young people the opportunities for volunteering, learning, travelling and other leisure activities available to them in Livani, Latgale, Latvia and even at European level. The different tasks during the game was directly linked to current and future Eurodesk activities, where young people hase to find this information themselves in the materials available on site. The aim of the event was to create a “Time to move” activity that young people with disabilities can also participate in, as the space will be furnished and accessible to everyone without barriers.
Inclusion and diversity – everyone was able to participate – from different cities, regions and schools in Latvia, regardless of their financial situation, physical fitness, language barrier (materials for the game were provided
in different languages). Participation in democratic life – the game included a Democracy game as part of the game’s challenges, which were encourage young people to think and discuss the foundations of democracy and where they encounter democracy in their daily lives.