The event was based on sharing experiences through personal stories. The event was organized at the Technical University of Liberec and was aimed mainly at young people. The main goal was to motivate young people to take advantage of some foreign experience and also to learn about these opportunities. After the opening ceremony, a lecture on opportunities entitled “Study, Travel, Work Abroad” was prepared for students, where they learned about E+ at secondary schools, universities, as well as youth exchanges, studying abroad, the European Solidarity Corps, Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs and Discover EU, etc.. 400 students from about 15 secondary schools from all over the Liberec Region and other students from the University attended. Then “Six stories from Liberec to the world and back”, where 6 participants shared their stories from different types of international projects – ESC, E+Youth Exchange and others – with only a few photos. In the next part (“from TUL to the world and back”), students of the university shared their experiences informally. At the end, the results of the competition for the best poster and photo from Erasmus were announced. In the foyer of the auditorium, 15 exhibitors had their stands with materials about opportunities abroad. For int. students in the Cz. Rep. we prepared a lecture on “How to study and work with scholarship in Europe” and a workshop “Thenew challenges we have faced in in Czech Republic. In total, 1500 people attended the event.