Within “New Voice to Youth(s)” project, all the activities intended to be comanaged and coproduced by, with and for young people, emphasizing its role as effective changemakers. So, “Youth Task Force” was created, spreading the invitation to make part of Volunteering Municipal Program “Youth +”, with empowerment moments destinated to transform young people into youth facilitators. Their role is designed to boost the different stages of the process (preparation meetings, sessions follow-up and youth dialogue sessions; organizing and participating on Generation Labs, project and results dissemination.
With the constitution of a facilitators grant and a youth volunteering program new opportunities for empowerment were created, destinated to strengthen peer-to-peer learning.
A youth dialogue cycle was part of this initiative, which provided civic and democratic participation to all young people of Gaia.
Therefore, Municipality of Gaia organized 17 sessions and 3 generation labs – divided into three rounds: first round, sessions for parishes; second round three thematic generation labs; and on round three sessions for representatives of previous rounds together with municipal, regional, national and international decision-makers.
We must say that all Youth Team Force crew were decisive in the preparation of all the sessions, with a headlight role in all the stages of the event.