Youth Team Force

City Council of Gaia,

Media materials:


City Council of Gaia,



About organisation:

Gaia is a municipality deeply committed to foster an entrepreneurial and active culture, where young people have full participation in all areas of municipal intervention. In Gaia we have a premise: nothing is done in terms of youth policies without the contribution of young people.The current executive emphasizes the tremendous importance of dreaming big and setting new limits to the scope of action in the field of youth. Therefore, Gaia always sees young people as co-builders, co-managers and co-decision-makers in local youth policies and programs.In 2023, Gaia Municipal Plan for all Youth(s) 2.0 was initiated. Primary voice was given to young people through dynamics of non-formal education that compose cycle of auscultation “New Voice to Youths”. Leaving no one behind, Gaia intends to continue the path of fully involvement of young people in the policy making process.

Contact person:

Fernanda Pires de Carvalho

Title of the project

Youth Team Force

Start date:

January 28, 2023

End date:

October 17, 2023

Source of funding:

For the process, we include:- Erasmus+ 2022 KA1 - KA154-YOU - Youth participation activities; Form ID KA154-YOU-3B737790;- Municipal Capacity Building Program 'POWER UP': Junior Facilitators;- Municipal Youth Volunteer Program "Gaia Jovem+".


Within “New Voice to Youth(s)” project, all the activities intended to be comanaged and coproduced by, with and for young people, emphasizing its role as effective changemakers. So, “Youth Task Force” was created, spreading the invitation to make part of Volunteering Municipal Program “Youth +”, with empowerment moments destinated to transform young people into youth facilitators. Their role is designed to boost the different stages of the process (preparation meetings, sessions follow-up and youth dialogue sessions; organizing and participating on Generation Labs, project and results dissemination.With the constitution of a facilitators grant and a youth volunteering program new opportunities for empowerment were created, destinated to strengthen peer-to-peer learning.A youth dialogue cycle was part of this initiative, which provided civic and democratic participation to all young people of Gaia.Therefore, Municipality of Gaia organized 17 sessions and 3 generation labs – divided into three rounds: first round, sessions for parishes; second round three thematic generation labs; and on round three sessions for representatives of previous rounds together with municipal, regional, national and international decision-makers.We must say that all Youth Team Force crew were decisive in the preparation of all the sessions, with a headlight role in all the stages of the event.

Why does it correspond to the thematic category:

With the constitution of a facilitators grant and a youth volunteering program new opportunities for empowerment were created, destinated to strengthen peer-to-peer learning.This initiative aligns perfectly with the European Youth Strategy, falling within three fundamental action domains, revolving around the three words: Engage, Connect, and Empower, while simultaneously working on their joint application across all sectors. This activity has given voice and opportunities for young people to influence their own destinies and the future of their communities, always from a local perspective but also with a global outlook.Throughout all sessions, the "Youth Team Force" was involved in the decision-making process during the preparations of each session. They received leadership and communication training through workshops and the programming of non-formal education initiatives.The initiatives have fostered civic empowerment through the preparation of activities that encourage young people to actively engage in the civic life of their communities, such as awareness campaigns, community service projects, and volunteer events. This empowers them to become active and responsible citizens.In the preparation of these initiatives, access to information and resources was facilitated to ensure that all young people have access to relevant information and the necessary resources for their empowerment in society.

The impact the initiative had on young people and the local community:

This initiative of youth empowerment and participation had a significant impact on both the involved youth and the local community. Firstly, by providing opportunities for youth to actively engage in projects and make decisions that affect their own lives and communities, the initiative fostered a sense of responsibility and self-confidence among the youth. They became more empowered and motivated to make a difference in their communities.Furthermore, by equipping youth with leadership, communication, and problem-solving skills, the initiative prepared a generation better equipped to face future challenges. The involved youth were able to develop their skills, discover their talents and potentials, and became role models for other community members.In the local community, the initiative helped create a more inclusive and participatory environment, where the voices of youth are heard and valued. This strengthened social ties and promoted a culture of collaboration and community cohesion. Youth became agents of change, working alongside other community members to address local issues, promote sustainable development, and create opportunities for all.Overall, the initiative of youth empowerment and participation had a transformative impact, empowering youth to become active leaders and positive contributors in their communities, while strengthening social fabric and fostering peer development.

How it ensured the visibility and promotion of Eurodesk:

We implemented several communication and outreach strategies for activities, notably the thematic Generation Labs on Europe Day.In the preparations for the sessions, there was always a contextualization of opportunities and needs at the local, national, and European levels, serving as a central source of information on programs, opportunities, and resources for young people.Awareness campaigns were promoted to highlight important issues for European youth, such as mobility opportunities, education, employment, and civic participation.Direct guidance was provided to young people on study, work, volunteering opportunities, and other European programs.Partnership dissemination was facilitated with the "Youth Task Force" to help expand the network and reach diverse audiences throughout Europe.Promotional material was distributed to highlight the services and resources offered by Eurodesk. We distributed this material at events, schools, universities, and other places frequented by young people. By implementing these strategies and promotion, we ensured that Eurodesk is widely recognized and accessible to European youth, providing them with information and support to make the most of opportunities available in Europe.

How it respected the green principles:

There was an incentive to use public transport throughout the process, taking into account the priorities and interest in raising awareness of actions in favor of the environment and sustainability, impacting young people to act for the Planet.In Gaia, young people's mobility issues have been taken into account since 2020, where public transport passes are free, as a student, for all young people.During the course of the initiatives, ecological issues and choices were worked on, developing activities where they were worked on in the Grande Opção – Humanismos. Here the European objectives for youth were addressed, namely the Climate Agenda and the 2030 Agenda.

Within “New Voice to Youth(s)” project, all the activities intended to be comanaged and coproduced by, with and for young people, emphasizing its role as effective changemakers. So, “Youth Task Force” was created, spreading the invitation to make part of Volunteering Municipal Program “Youth +”, with empowerment moments destinated to transform young people into youth facilitators. Their role is designed to boost the different stages of the process (preparation meetings, sessions follow-up and youth dialogue sessions; organizing and participating on Generation Labs, project and results dissemination.

With the constitution of a facilitators grant and a youth volunteering program new opportunities for empowerment were created, destinated to strengthen peer-to-peer learning.

A youth dialogue cycle was part of this initiative, which provided civic and democratic participation to all young people of Gaia.

Therefore, Municipality of Gaia organized 17 sessions and 3 generation labs – divided into three rounds: first round, sessions for parishes; second round three thematic generation labs; and on round three sessions for representatives of previous rounds together with municipal, regional, national and international decision-makers.

We must say that all Youth Team Force crew were decisive in the preparation of all the sessions, with a headlight role in all the stages of the event.